
A regional grocery chain with 7 locations needed insights into their pricing. But analysis of all their data was time-consuming and they needed help finding the insights hidden in their data to help them maintain their margin.

Industry: Grocery

Hypersonix Product Implemented: Pricing AI

Goals: A more efficient approach to pricing informed by data to help them save time, avoid inaccuracies, and optimize their pricing strategies.

The Challenge

Time-consuming data analysis made it hard to make weekly pricing decisions

A regional grocery chain with 7 locations was looking for better functionality and insights into their data than their current system provided. They needed insights into their pricing so they could be confident with their pricing decisions on a weekly basis to maintain their margins. With 38,000 SKUs, they wanted help streamlining their decisions around pricing and needed help turning a time-consuming data analysis process into a streamlined one.

The Solution

Better Data Analysis Identified Inconsistencies Across Locations

We implemented the Hypersonix platform and began stitching together their data from different sources. During the analysis, the machine-driven and generative AI algorithms identified inconsistencies within their pricing and cost data. Hypersonix identified areas where changes could be made to clean up and streamline their portfolio of products, making their pricing consistent across locations.

We implemented Pricing AI so they could receive pricing recommendations on a weekly basis to help them maintain margin. The grocery team receives an email alert on Thursdays letting them know their data has been uploaded. They then log into the Hypersonix Pricing AI dashboard and easily pull their data and review the actionable insights to determine pricing changes for that week.

They also receive a weekly report that shows any inconsistencies in their data. This allows them to clean up their data regularly, ensuring that all stores offer the same price for the same item.

Hypersonix Impact

Real-Time Analysis Helped Maintain Margins

When Hypersonix began connecting their data, it identified pricing and cost inconsistencies for more than 30,000 products, making it easy for the team to identify the items that needed corrections. Prior to partnering with Hypersonix, the grocery chain believed that all their items were priced the same across locations. But Hypersonix’s machine-learning and generative AI algorithms identified items with pricing inconsistencies of which the grocery team was unaware. We also identified inconsistencies within their pricing and cost data, making it easier to see where changes could be made to clean up and streamline their portfolio of products.

Uncovering pricing inconsistencies for products at different stores allowed them to make their prices consistent across all locations, ensuring their customers always pay the same price no matter what location they visit. They continue to receive weekly reports so they can quickly identify items with inconsistent prices and fix them. Using Hypersonix Pricing AI saves them time analyzing data and provides them with the insights they need to maintain their margins.